Monday, July 28, 2008


We had BUNCO Saturday night. It was a doozy! Our theme? White Trash and Preppy. Too bad I didn't get any pictures of myself. I was HAWT. Tight jeans (which, I may mention were NOT maternity and I could actually button them...granted, they were my "big" jeans before pregnancy, but still!), black bra, white wife beater, thong hanging out, big clunky work boots, bright red lipstick, and I topped it off with a John Deere hat. Should I be worried that all that was in my closet??

Christina even had some apps that went with the theme...pigs in a blanket, sloppy joes, busch and busch light, cosmos, rolled wraps, and little spinach thingys.

I'd have to say the best was her SIL, Maureen, who came as a WT Lesbian. Oooh baby!! Pics to come of that hottness later.... :)

1 comment:

We are the Ferrari's said...

You looks bea-ut-i-ful! :)